At iSmile Dental, your dedicated Langley dentist, we recognize the widespread issue of tooth decay and its impact on overall health. Tooth decay, or dental caries, is not only common but also highly preventable. This blog post from iSmile Dental explores the causes, prevention, and treatment options for tooth decay, offering essential insights for optimal oral health. You can get an idea about the situation in Canada by visiting this page:
What is Tooth Decay?Tooth decay refers to the damage of tooth enamel, the hard, outer layer of your teeth. It occurs when mouth bacteria produce acids that attack the enamel, leading to cavities — permanently damaged areas that develop into small openings or holes.
Causes of Tooth Decay
Prevention Tips from iSmile Dental
Treatment Options for Tooth Decay
Understanding tooth decay's causes and prevention is crucial for maintaining oral health. At iSmile Dental, your go-to Langley dentist, we're dedicated to providing top-notch dental care and advice for preventing and treating tooth decay. Regular visits to iSmile Dental are vital in keeping your teeth healthy and strong. Visit our website at for more information or to schedule your next appointment. Embrace a healthier smile with iSmile Dental!