Five Effective Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay

Tooth decay or dental caries occurs when a tooth is damaged by bacteria. Tooth decay often leads to small holes on the tooth surface called cavities. About 60 percent of children and adolescents in Canada have had tooth decay. The numbers are much higher in adults, with 96 percent of adults having tooth decay at some point in their lives.

When cavities form, it causes pain when eating and drinking. It also causes stains on the teeth, making them brown or black.

If you are unsure whether you have tooth decay, here are some signs you should look for:

Tooth Decay Symptoms

Signs of tooth decay may not become visible until after some time. As the tooth caries progresses, you may start noticing some of these:

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a feeling of discomfort or pain after exposure to certain things in the environment. The most common stimuli for tooth sensitivity are hot and cold temperatures. Hence, when you have tooth decay, you may feel some pain when eating or drinking hot or cold food.

Your teeth become more sensitive primarily because the decay-causing bacteria wear out the enamel, causing internal parts to be exposed.


At times toothaches may be sudden and unprovoked. This kind of spontaneous pain may be an indicator of tooth decay or an upcoming cavity. Other times, the toothache may result from chewing food or other activities that shouldn’t cause pain.

Other symptoms of tooth decay include black and brown spots on your teeth, foul-smelling breath, and a lingering unpleasant taste.

Causes of Tooth Decay

Bacteria are the primary cause of tooth decay. However, these decay-causing organisms cannot act alone. To harm the teeth, they must combine with sugars from certain foods. Then, they form acids which gradually wear out the tooth’s surface. Once the hard surface (enamel) is weak, internal parts are exposed, eventually leading to cavities. 

Five Actions That Prevent Tooth Decay

Reduce Sugary Diet

Decay-causing bacteria need to be in contact with sugars and starch from your food to cause harm. Hence, it is better to cut down on such foods. when you eat or drink starchy and sugary substances, ensure you do so for at least one hour before bed.

Take Daily Care of your Teeth and Gums

To prevent tooth decay, you must ensure that all unwanted substances are washed before bed. Brush your teeth at least twice daily and gloss at least once daily.

Cut Down on Tobacco and Alcohol

Excessive smoking and drinking can contribute to tooth decay. Alcohol wears out the enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity. Tobacco from cigarettes prevents saliva from being produced in your mouth. Without enough saliva, your teeth will retain harmful substances.

Schedule Regular Dentist Visits 

You don’t have to wait until you notice tooth decay symptoms before visiting the dentist. To prevent cavities and decay, schedule periodic tooth checks for preventative care. Prevention is always better and cheaper than cure.

Eat healthily

Aside from cutting down on sugars, there are certain foods that help to keep your teeth healthy and prevent issues like decay and cavities. Foods rich in fiber like fruits and vegetables, dairy products, tea, and foods rich in fluoride can help build healthy teeth.

Whether you wish to prevent tooth decay or you need dental care for a cavity, we are always here for you at iSmile Dental. Book an appointment today to start your journey to perfect oral health. 

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Notice tooth sensitivity or aches? Prevent decay by reducing sugar, proper dental care, avoiding tobacco, and regular visits to a Langley dentist near me at iSmile Dental.